Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One word...Boobies!!!

Just One of the Guys (1985)

Directed by Lisa Gottlieb

This film as real Soul Man kind of feel to it. But this time it is a girl pretending to be a boy. Just One of the Guys was way ahead of it's time. Sure a slew of role reversal movies followed, like Little Sister and Just One of the Girls. It's not racist like Soul Man was but damn this movie is a good time.

This movie goes up there on the HBO repeat viewing list. Just One of the Guys was on at least once a week. It is very 80's and very much trying to cash in on the John Hughes movies. The film was lacking in great scenes and funny moments but beyond that it is just like a Hughes flick.

The movie stars Joyce Hyser as the girl/boy Terry, very convenient name if you ask me. Why not name her Chris, or Sam, even Dawn/Don; that one would have been great to have for the credits alone. She was one of the hot girls in Valley Girl. Also in the movie is Billy Jayne as her over sexed up brother Buddy, another great name. Mr. Jayne is from a little TV show called Parker Lewis Can't Lose, where he played Mikey. Some guy plays the love interest to Terry, because that is the perfect time to find love is when you are playing a boy. This is where Sherilyn Fenn kicked off an amazing unknown who cares career. She then moved on to *The Wraith.

Rounding out this Shakespearean cast is William Zabka as the bully Greg. Who might be asking yourself who the hell is William Zabka, well I'll tell you he played Johnny Lawrence in The Karate Kid. He really has played a wide range of characters in his career like the bully from Back to School and the shitty boyfriend from the second Vacation movie. He can play it all!

This stellar movie is about a girl that wants to be a reporter but she can't because the teacher tells her she is a boy. So she decides to go against what he said and science and changes to a boy. No teacher can tell me what to do. I hate when teachers would try to tell me and my friends what sex we were and try to hold us back.

Lucky for our hero Terry her parents are going out of town so she can change to a boy and change schools. Apparently in the 80's you can change schools with no I.D. or any kind of proof you exist. This is when the funny happens because she doesn't know how to be one and gets picked on. Funny stuff people. 

There are many twist and turns that this rollar coaster ride of a movie takes before we reach the ending. This is a good movie to view on a boring Friday night; if it was 1985. 

Check out Just One of the Guys today it is great fun. Come on, watch the movie so Zabka can get some money. Another forgotten classic done today. Till next time...


Video Junkie Extra:
This movie holds a special place in my heart and many guys hearts from this time period. Due to the fact that the main girl flashes some great breast near the end of the film. It was a turning point in many boys life back in the 80's.

*Read on my review of The Wraith!

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