Friday, August 26, 2011

These kids need a nap...

Children of the Corn (1984)

Directed by Fritz Kiersch

If you like kids killing people and loving on the devil as much as me then this is the movie for you. I don't want to say that this is a poorly made movie, but after watching again recently I have to say this is a poorly made movie. 

It was painstakingly put together by Fritz Kiersch who went on to make a amazing two episode run on Swamp Thing the TV series. So right off the start of this bad Larry you know you are in good hands. Also and this is a small also it is based on a Stephen King book or should I say short story from way back. Now I like Stephen King, his books anyways. We can all agree his movies aren't always the best when they come out. There are a few like The Mist and Shawshank, but come on when I watch Shank I think about how great of a book by King this movie is based.

The movie is about a town that gets taken over by the children who believe the devil is coming back, they call him He who walks behind the rows. Very scary! A few kids take over the local diner and kill the adults. Apparently there are only seven adults in the whole town because it only takes a few minutes to kill them all. One of the main devil freaks is Malachi played by Courtney Gains, from The 'burbs. I knew he was off because he is a ginger, they are always off. Wake up people!

The leader of this rag tag group is Isaac Chroner played by John Franklin, he played It in the Adam's Family movies. He is one of those man child guys like Webster or Different Strokes. All I got to say is he is a bitch.

The heroes of this epic is Peter Horton from Thirty-something and that chick from The Terminator, Linda Hamilton. These two city folk are heading to the big city because Horton is a doctor now and he has money to make. Instead of flying they decide to drive, because who doesn't love a drive through Bible country. Long story short they crash and end up in Hell Town with mayor Isaac.

They meet a kid and hatch up a crazy plan to save Hell Town. Some of the best acting in this movie comes between Isaac and Malachi. These two couldn't act out of a plastic bag, although the guy that played Isaac got much better by the time he played It in Adam's Family. I really believed he was a hair ball. The director loves to show close up of hands doing stuff like killing of getting ready to kill or even after the kill. It's like Jaws don't show the shark till the end.

I watched this one a few weeks back for the first time in like ten years. I have to say that it really doesn't hold up to well. But I still have a place in my heart for devil kids that worship He who walks behind the rows. Go check this gem out and have a great time watch kids go bat shit crazy.

A great forgotten classic that has to be seen to believe.


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