Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear John Hollywood...Please Stop

    Can someone please tell me what happened to Hollywood? When did these leaders of the new world decide that they are out of new ideas and start remaking every movie possible? 
    Or is this the new idea to rehash an older movie, some that are only a few years old. Spider-Man I'm looking in your direction. In the old days of Hollywood if a remake took place it was because the first time around it wasn't that good. For God sakes even Hitchcock remade his own movie and made it better. That makes sense to me and I guess the five other people that are sick of remakes.
    I'll be the first to admit I didn't mind the remake of Dawn of the Dead. Because let's be honest the zombie thing has been done to death and it always works in my mind. They could have called that movie by any name and I would have watched it because it had zombies. Now I heard they are remaking Fright Night, one of my all time favorites. I say watch the original people it is such a fresh and original ideas for back in the 80's. We don't need all of these remakes, we've seen them already. 
    I found a list of 55 movies on the remake fast track. Now this list is a little old, some have already been remade. Some of the films make no sense what so ever. I can't wait to get in line and pay $10 to see a movie that I've seen before and most likely I own. I'll be damned if I pay to see Red Dawn again or Near Dark. If they ever go with their amazing plan to remake Evil Dead I will kill someone I swear to God. I don't care if Bruce is involved, just make a 4th one that's what everyone wants.
    Thanks Hollywood for being unoriginal and uninspired to make anything new. When I say new I mean new idea not new remake. One more thing Hollywood changing the name doesn't make it new, Disturbia is just Rear Window. Can't fool me twice. Tomorrow a great Hollywood classic Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins.

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